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No. 1 : Quick Recipe

Cast Iron Salmon

  • 2 TB Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup Brussels Sprouts, quartered
  • 1 Cup Baby Gold Potatoes, quartered
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper, Chopped
  • 1 Cup Chopped Yellow Onion
  • 4 Tsp Sweet Smoked Paprika, divided
  • ½  Tsp Each Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper, plus more for sprinkling salmon 
  • ½ Cup Red Wine (or Stock)
  • 2 (4 to 6 oz) Skinless Salmon Filets

Step One

Preheat the oven to 400F. Heat the oil in a large cast iron skillet. Add the sprouts, potatoes, pepper and onions to the skillet and sprinkle with 2 Tsp of the paprika, salt and pepper. Cook and stir over medium high heat until browned on the edges, or about 5 minutes. Remove the skillet from the heat and add in the wine. Place back on the heat and cook and stir until all the liquid is absorbed or about 3 minutes. (Be careful, the pan is hot and the wine will bubble furiously.)

Step Two

Slide the veggies aside in the pan and nestle your two salmon filets into the pan. They will sizzle! Sprinkle with the remaining 2 Tsp of paprika and a little salt and pepper.

Step Three

Slide the skillet into the preheated oven. Set your timer for 10 minutes. Your salmon will be cooked through, pink in the center, juicy and delicious. Bring your skillet to the table, and serve up dinner. **Just double the recipe and use a larger skillet to serve more friends or family.


No. 2 : Kitchen Scoop

You can see my grandmother’s 9” skillet in the picture above. As you can imagine it has not only lots of memories but great “seasoning”, too. What’s seasoning you ask? Read all about it here: 

No. 3 : Clever Idea

Shake up your veggies and protein. Don’t like Brussels sprouts? Choose another cruciferous vegetable like cauliflower or broccoli. Prefer sweet potatoes? Oh yeah, sweet potatoes rock in this one skillet dish. You make the choice; just make sure you have a variety of veggies and starches to make a complete meal. This dish works great with any fish filet or fish steak, too!

No. 4 : Cheers!

St Cosme Cotes du Rhone
Rhone Valley France
About $13.00

Cotes du Rhone means “slopes or hills of the Rhone”.Cotes du Rhone can be made with a variety of french grapes, winemakers can use up to 23 different grape varietals. Its one of my favorite food friendly wines – its happy place is with roasted veggies, fish and bbq. Although many Cotes du Rhone are blends, this one is 100% Syrah, making it full of the aroma and taste of luscious dark cherries and blueberries.