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Just like the social media world, new trends in Organizing, Food and Wine seem to pop up Daily! Professional Organizer Carrie Mixon Peeples from Neatsmart joins me on Facebook Live to talk trends and how to embrace the best of them for making your life easier, better and more fun!

I’m kicking us off with a bottle of sparkly fruit-forward Riondo Prosecco. Prosecco is a great way to celebrate the everyday victories in our lives, and the lives of those we care about. Exuberant, fruit and light you can find this prosecco in almost any grocery store for about $15. Made with the Glera grape its affordable and fun!

First up we’re talking a book that has been very popular in the media the past couple of years. Marie Kondo has some excellent suggestions for decluttering but I find her absolute minimalism too joyless to maintain. Everyone loves the idea of it but the aftermath is bleak. One suggestion she has that is great is to “thank” your items for their service to you. As corny as that sounds, it does put you in the right frame of mind to let clutter go.

Lets face it, everyone has a different way of eating that makes them feel great. You might do better with more protein in the morning and avoiding carbs after noon. I find that I get good energy from making sure I eat regularly and I love eating (mostly) plant based. I’m not here to condemn anyone’s personal eating habits, what I want to do is celebrate an easy, healthy lifestyle that is full of local, seasonal and sometime organic foods that are a snap to make and are prepared with accessible ingredients.

Paleo, Low Carb, Whole 30 are really popular now and although I’m not a fan of any entire “diet” I do love a food that they all celebrate, and that’s the sweet potato! This is a recipe that you can make ahead of time, its great for lunch, dinner – even breakfast or a snack!

Double Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

  • 2 Large Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 TB Unsalted Butter
  • 2 TB Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 TB Garam Masala
  • 1 Tsp Turmeric
  • ½ Tsp Fine Sea Salt
  • ½ Tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper
  • ¼ Cup Coconut Milk
  • 8 OZ Shredded Cheddar (optional)
  • 1 Cup Chopped Roasted Pecans

Step One

Prick the skins of the sweet potatoes several times and roast in a 400F oven until soft about 45 minutes to an hour. When cool enough to handle, cut the potatoes in half and scoop the flesh out of the skins into a bowl, making sure to keep the skins intact.

Step Two

Melt the butter and oil together in a small skillet and sauté the garam masala, turmeric, salt and pepper together in the mixture until fragrant. Add in the coconut milk, and pour the warm mixture into the sweet potatoes. Mash with the potatoes

Step Three

Spoon the sweet potato mixture into the empty potato shells. Sprinkle the white cheddar on top and place in a 350F oven until warmed throughout, about 15 minutes. Garnish with the chopped pecans and serve.

ZINFANDEL! is the answer to what wine pairs GREAT with Sweet Potatoes. Once thought to be “America’s” noble grape, DNA testing showed its actually from Croatia. But, Zinfandel is grown and made beautifully in Lodi California! Our bottle is from Brazin – a bold, spicy. full-of-fruit wine that matches the spices and yumminess of the creamy sweet potato. I bought this bottle at Cost Plus World Market for about $17.

Carrie’s offering her advice on another popular subject – Minimalism offers a solution that seems right to a lot of people but it is very one dimensional that doesn’t leave much room for growth. Having 2 plates is great for just 2 people but what if you have company come over? What if you need to take people in due to a disaster? You become very self-focused with this concept. I do love the idea of storing a lot of photos digitally, though, so you can enjoy them without taking up space.

Here’s a way to enjoy a sweet treat that tastes like MUCH more than it actually is…

Southern Peaches and Pecans

  • 4 Peach Halves
  • Orange Juice and Orange Zest of one Orange
  • 1 Cup Toasted Chopped Pecans
  • 1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon

Preheat your oven to 350F. Nestle the peach halves into a flat casserole disht. Mix together the juice, zest, pecans and cinnamon, stuff into the center of the peaches and bake for 30 minutes or until browned.

We’re pairing with Moscato – an ancient grape that’s slightly fizzy and definitely sweet. Moscato tastes like stone fruit and melons, the perfect pair for a fruit dessert like this one. Castello Del Poggio Moscato – about $16 at the Grocery Store.

Carrie is wrapping us up with an important thought: “Above all, to thine own self be true.” You really have to know yourself to know if these drastic decluttering concepts will work for you. How do you live today? Do you entertain? Do you participate in the activities you have all of the tools for? Admit what is realistic in your life and let someone else enjoy what you’re not going to use any more.

WOW – we wish we had more time – This is pretty basic. We could talk about these topics for hours….. Join us next time on Drink Wine and Get Organized to grab some easy ideas on organizing, cooking and enjoying life!