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Spicy, pungent, hot and healthy, its hard to NOT like horseradish. Shayna and I love it for its special, (sneaky), way of enhancing flavors in food. Have you ever seen a horseradish root up close and personal?

Isn’t it gnarly and ancient looking? Did you know that it has been used in cooking since ancient times? According to Greek mythology, the oracle at Delphi was the site of the pronouncement that “ the radish was worth its weight in lead, the beet its weight in silver, and the horseradish its weight in gold.”

The horseradish plant is a member of the Brassicaceae family, a group of plants which includes cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. These vegetables are not only healthy and low in calories; they’re rich in compounds called glucosinolates, which help rid the body of cancer-causing chemicals humans are exposed to every day from pollution and carcinogens in food.

You may be familiar with its use in cocktail sauce or a bloody mary, but don’t limit this interesting herb to just a once-in-a-while treat. Horseradish can be used for lots of dishes! Its yummy flavor makes not only this weeks recipe delish, it’s a great way of adding lots of flavor to yogurt to top a baked potato, or a wonderful fall mash-up of root veggies like turnips, sweet potatoes and parsnips.

Here’s a fun and appetizing way to serve up horseradish to your family and friends!

Smoked Trout on Granny Smith Apples

  • 1 (8 OZ) Pkg Light Cream Cheese, softened
  • ¼ Cup Non Fat Greek Yogurt
  • 2 Green Onions, green parts only, thinly sliced
  • ½ Cup Minced Granny Smith Apple
  • 2 TB Horseradish, bottled or grated fresh
  • 1 TB Chopped Dill
  • 1 Tsp Lemon Zest
  • 1/2Tsp Each Sea Salt and Freshly Cracked Black Pepper
  • 12 OZ Smoked Trout
  • 4 Granny Smith Apples, cored and cut into thin slices
  • ½ Cup Coarsely Chopped Chives

Mix together the cream cheese, yogurt, onions, apples, horseradish, dill, zest and salt and pepper in a bowl. Flake the trout and gently fold it into the cheese mixture. Top each apple slice with a couple of teaspoons of the trout and sprinkle with chives.