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Easy to make, a brilliant color and smooth creamy seasonal taste, what’s not to like about Pumpkin Hummus? We love hummus of all kinds, but pumpkin adds a unique savory flavor to the dip, so this one pops up in the healthy kitchen, often. Because it substitutes pumpkin for the oil usually found in hummus, its a super addition to the holiday appetizer table. It’s lighter but full of flavor.

There are four spices that create the big YUM in this hummus, but turmeric not only enhances the “tasty” factor, it amps up the cheerful pop of orange, too. Its not surprising that this spice goes into many of our dishes, and it’s a natural in this one too.

We love turmeric for its many health benefits. Currently there are over 6,000 peer reviewed articles, (dietician/nutrition experts look at it), explaining turmeric’s benefit to the body. Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-carcinogen. Eating the spice daily in your food can possibly help decrease joint pain, keep the brain healthy, and keep blood sugar levels under control. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Hummus with Goat Cheese

2 Cans (15 oz) Cannellini, drained and rinsed

1 Cup Canned Pumpkin (2/3 of one 15 OZ can)

2 TB Lemon Juice

2 Garlic Cloves, grated

1 Tsp Sea Salt

1 Tsp Cumin

½ Tsp Turmeric

½ Tsp Allspice

1 Tsp Smoked Paprika

1 Cup Crumbled Goat cheese

¼ Cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

In a food processor add all ingredients except the goat cheese and pumpkin seeds. Remove from the processor, spread on a plate and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and goat cheese