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Not only can kale make a delicious salad or side – it also makes a fabulous pesto, perfect for tossing with some whole-wheat pasta or as a “schmear” on a goat cheese topped crostini. The bright green color of the kale and basil make this pesto so appealing! Because we can get such beautiful basil in the winter as well as during basil season in summer, this a yummy condiment to make all year round.

Basil creates the peppery pop with this pesto. Basil has a lot of vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C and potassium. It also has antibacterial properties and contains DNA-protecting flavonoids. The essential oils in the pesto have many health benefits. One of those oils – eugenol – can block the activity of the harmful enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) which deals with the unwanted inflammation often found in the body. What a wonderful pesto this is to keep our body healthy and happy!

Kale and Basil Pesto

1 Garlic Clove

2 TB Tahini*

1 TB Lemon Juice

2 – 3 Cups Packed Shredded Green Curly Kale

1 Cup Packed Basil

½ Cup Chopped Toasted Walnuts, Almonds or Pecans

1 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sea Salt and Freshly Cracked Black Pepper

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Place the garlic, tahini and lemon juice in the food processor bowl and whiz until pureed. Add the walnuts, kale and basil and pulse to blend. With the machine running, pour the olive oil in a steady stream into the bowl, process until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

*Tahini is ground sesame seed paste. It’s easy to find in the grocery store, or just substitute almond butter instead.