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There’s nothing like spring in the air and strawberries in season to inspire a recipe. This one is super easy, super fast AND super delicious. This one is great for home – or easy to transport for a start-of-the season picnic. The easiest way? Try putting it in a small mason jar as we have done in the picture. The result is cute and convenient.

The ingredients in this quick dessert taste great, and are good-for-us too! Even our garnish of mint brings goodies to our table!

Mint is a great palate cleanser and promotes digestion. It also soothes stomachs in cases of indigestion or inflammation. When you feel sick to your stomach, drinking a cup of mint tea can give you relief. Also, if you are someone who travels long distances via plane or boat, the menthol oil derived from mint can be very soothing for nausea and related motion sickness.

Strawberry Ricotta and Almond Parfaits – Mint

1 Pint Strawberries, chopped finely

1 Cup Light Ricotta Cheese

1/2 Tsp Almond Extract

½ Cup Toasted Sliced Almonds

Fresh Mint for Garnish

Layer the chopped strawberries in a small jar or parfait glass. Stir the cheese and almond extract together in a small bowl, and then layer on top of the strawberries. Sprinkle on the almonds and garnish with mint.