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Don’t you love my cherry pitter – its one of my kitchen “power tools”! It makes pitting cherries SO quick and easy. So, I guess you can tell that I adore cherries. During the season, I eat them any way I can – but most often right out of hand. Wash the bag, dump in a bowl, and repeat. I do eat them everywhere with abandon, although I did blush when my husband found several cherry pits on my car’s floorboard…. Can you believe he couldn’t imagine that I could drive and shift while eating a bowl of cherries? Silly guy!
I incorporate cherries in every recipe I can, and this is one of my favorites that I use to top chicken, fish and scoop up with any kind of chip.

Cilantro Citrus Chicken 
with Fresh Cherry Salsa
The Chicken
¾  Cup Chopped Cilantro
2 Large Shallots Chopped
¼ Cup Fresh Lime Juice
¼ Cup Olive Oil
1 LB Chicken Breasts, Boneless and Skinless
Step One Combine the Cilantro, Shallots, Lime Juice and Oil in a Zippy Bag. Cut the Chicken Breasts horizontally into thin slices. Add the chicken and place in the fridge for an hour to marinate while you make the salsa.

Step Two Remove the chicken from the marinade and grill outside, or on a grill pan until done. Serve with the cherry salsa.
Fresh Cherry Salsa
1 Cup Chopped Cilantro
2 Large Shallots, Chopped
Juice of 4 Large Limes
2 Jalapenos, Ribbed and Chopped
2 LBs Cherries, Pitted and Coarsely Chopped
¼ Cup Olive Oil
Sea Salt and Fresh Cracked Black Pepper to Taste
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Set aside while you grill the chicken, or place in the
fridge overnight to allow the flavors to meld.
Loaded with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, cherries are much more than just sweet  – they’re a powerful, bite-size health boost Cherries contain anthocyanins – the red pigment in berries. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidantsunder active research for a variety of potential health benefits.