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Chef Nancy and I recently spoke at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Johns Creek, Ga. We were asked to do a cooking demonstration for their “sweet tea ministry”. This was formed by a group of lovely women who are in fact cancer survivors themselves. They wanted to give back to their community to create a quarterly event for other cancer survivors and their caregivers. It was a lovely day with the huge group of sweet tea members! We talked about “food for your heart and soul” which gave us the opportunity to share some heart healthy foods as well as cancer fighting foods. The event was so well received (and Chef Nancy’s recipes were so fabulous!) that we have provided you with our take home tips below. Enjoy feeding your heart and soul this week!

Fruits and vegetables: At least 3 cups a day

Fish (oily fish): Three servings a week (3.5 oz = serving)

Fiber-rich whole grains: At least 3 servings a day

Sodium: Less than 2,000 mg a day

Sugar: Limit as much as possible

Nuts, legumes and seeds: Eat 4x a week

Processed meats: Avoid or limit all together

Saturated fat: Less than 7% of total calories