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Last weekend I traveled to Orlando, Fl with my daughter for a cheerleading competition. I was looking forward to some bright sunshine and breaking out the spring wardrobe. Typically when I put on a pair of shorts at the first sign of warm weather, I am temporarily blinded by my ghostly white legs as they emerge from a long winter spent hidden from view under a pair of jeans. This spring, however, more shcoking than the sight of my white legs, was the sight of my buttoned and zipped shorts as they slipped down my body and landed around my ankles. Could it be that my favorite pair of shorts from last summer was too big to even be worn with a belt? Indeed it was. It was at that moment, that I laughed to myself, and knew for sure that Chef Nancy’s “stealth health” was not just a cute expression to describe her food philosophy, but an honest to goodness reality. Although I did not set out to lose any weight, it is certainly an added bonus to the already wonderful experience I am having working with Chef Nancy.

As always, don’t forget to take the time to Taste and Savor, because a stealthier, healthier you might be just around the corner.