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Here’s a picture I wanted to share. I grew up with gardenias – they have always been one of my favorite flowers. (I even had a brief “fling” with Shalimar perfume, redolent of gardenias – but that’s another story…) So, I was thrilled last night when friends Rebecca and Peter walked in with this bouquet. In an attempt to make them last longer, Peter had cut the flowers early in the morning, and put them in ice water. So far it has worked. Now every time I walk down the hall I am hit by the heady fragrance of the white flowers. The couple also knew exactly how to bring the flowers to us – they were already arranged in a vase, ready for display. Isn’t it lovely how little things just mean so much to family and friends? Next time you are bringing flowers, remember to make it easy for the host or hostess. Grab a vase, and “gift” them ready to enjoy. In turn, here’s a good tip if you are the one hosting the party, and guests bring you wine: keep a Metallic Sharpie Marker handy. Ask the giver to sign their name on the bottle before they leave it with you. That way, when you enjoy the bottle later, you’ll know who to think about and thank!