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Because I LOVE to eat and drink, I always try to read lots of healthy tips and tricks this time of the year. Here’s a link to a list that I found particularly helpful – so I am passing it on to you all. Scroll down the page til you find the blog for Wednesday Dec 3. These are the Spark People 20 Top Ideas to help you stay on track for the holidays. 

Some of my favorite tips to enjoying the holidays without suffering for them later are: 

1. Track Your Food. I think that not writing down what I eat each day is kind of like not knowing how much money I have in my checking account. (Whoops!)
5. Schedule Your Workout Like An Appointment. You’d never miss a work meeting or a Drs. appointment. Think of your exercise like a commitment that needs to take place every day, and then log it just like your food. You’ll be so surprised how little bursts of activity add up over the week! My goal is 6 hours per week – and I celebrate when I get to that number. But, I don’t beat myself up when I miss it. It just makes me more aware that I need to move. Your target number may be greater or lesser than mine, it doesn’t matter – what does matter is you have one. 
And finally, I think the best tip is: 
15. Focus On People. We all get so crazy this time of year, that we sometimes we forget that people are more important than things. Who cares if you haven’t vacuumed under the cabinet? When you pay more attention to others than yourself, you’ll enjoy the season much more!
Here’s the link to the 20 Tips:
An interesting blog for year round motivation is one written by my friend Laura Mixon: the Mixonian. Laura’s writing is always thought provoking and inspiring. Don’t you love to read articles that make you think about how or why you do things? Check out Laura’s blog at