Spicy Tuesday
Spicy Tuesday – Warm and Comforting Wild Mushroom Soup- Parsley
We love soups that taste creamy and rich don’t you? Unfortunately they are often full of cream and butter – two ingredients not on our Top 10! So, when you try this soup you won’t believe there is no cream in the recipe. Using the immersion blender to puree the soup,...
Spicy Tuesday – Toasted Apple Walnut Cake with Honey – Sage
Aren't recipes that remind you of good times fun? Shayna and I love this kind of recipe – and this cake for just that reason. Full of tart, crisp apples, toasted walnuts and topped with a dollop of sage honey. Does it get any better? We’ve chosen granny smith apples...
Spicy Tuesday – Menestra de Verdures – Black Pepper (Green Beans, Asparagus and Artichokes)
If you are looking for a delicious and different side dish for your Thanksgiving dinner, here it is. We love the combination of flavors in this easy to fix veggie dish, and how impressive it looks on the table. Menestra is not only full of gorgeous bright colors, it's...
Spicy Tuesday – Cumin Bread – Cumin Seeds and Ground Cumin
When talking about Cumin in our cooking classes, we always say, “it's the original smoky-smelling spice.” If you open a bottle and take a big whiff, the aroma will transport you to another country. Why? You can be cooking almost any cuisine and see cumin in the list...
Spicy Tuesday – Rich Wild Mushroom Soup – Thyme
Rich wild mushroom soup is warm and comforting. Hearty enough for dinner, super as a bowl of goodness for lunch the next day. Meaty and delicious mushrooms are a great way to serve up a veggie meal the whole family will enjoy. No one will miss the meat!. Unlike most...
Spicy Tuesday! Polenta Squares with Toppers – Red Pepper Flakes
Check out the Gorgeous Red Peppers that Shayna spied in Rome! Red Peppers in Rome red peppers in Rome 2 Don’t you just love an appetizer that comes together in a jif, looks impressive, and tastes great? We do too! Inspired by Shayna’s trip to Italy, here’s an easy and...
Spicy Tuesday – Eggplant Pecorino – Basil
We love eggplant in all its different shapes and size... did you know that more than 4 Billion acres across the world are planted with numerous varieties? This relative of the tomato and potato is a food chameleon - absorbing the flavors of whatever it is cooked with...
Spicy Tuesday – Smoked Trout on Granny Smith Apples – Horseradish
Spicy, pungent, hot and healthy, its hard to NOT like horseradish. Shayna and I love it for its special, (sneaky), way of enhancing flavors in food. Have you ever seen a horseradish root up close and personal? Isn’t it gnarly and ancient looking? Did you know that it...
Spicy Tuesday – Ginger – Ginger Treats
What’s better than a treat? We can’t think of many things… That’s why we love this week’s herb and its recipe. Sweet and satisfying, easy to make and share, too! Aromatic, pungent and spicy Ginger was the inspiration for these small indulgences. Ginger is as an herb...
Spicy Tuesday – White Bean and Artichoke Stew – Fennel Seeds
Last week Shayna and I presented one of our favorite classes: Pre and Pro Biotics. Super menu and terrific instruction - all about foods that we may be familiar with, but not know much about their power to make us feel great! When you read the recipe title below,...
Spicy Tuesday – Spicy Tomato Salad – Turmeric
As we wrap up the summer produce and head into fall, we wanted to give one more “shout out” to our marvelous tomatoes. There are so many recipes that have tomatoes in them but we believe with the extra benefit of the herbs and spices that we highlight, it takes an...
Spicy Tuesday – Spanish Pork Tenderloin – 091013
We think roasting pork tenderloin is one of the easiest most delicious ways to make a main dish for dinner – and OH the leftovers! Although we don’t eat meat that often, its so much fun to have a veggie filled, flavorful slice or two of this tenderloin, perfect for...
SPICY Tuesday – Shrimp Remoulade – Mustard Seeds
If you’ve traveled to the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Alabama or Mississippi you have probably enjoyed Remoulade. We love the slightly spicy combination of tastes and all the herbs and veggies in it. Remoulade was created in France, in the 1800s. You may think about it...
Spicy Tuesday – White Bean Dip with Handmade Pita Chips
Who doesn’t love an easy appetizer than looks and tastes appetizing too? This creamy and flavor-filled AND fast white bean dip certainly meets all the requirements. One of the nicest attributes of the dip is how its power packed with good-for-you ingredients. The...
Spicy Tuesday – Cilantro – Chickpea Burgers
It's definitely that “Burger” time of the year. We are all looking forward to quick, fast and delicious meals that can ease the transition from the end of summer to back to school. Vacations are winding down, kids are choosing backpacks and deciding just how they are...
Spicy Tuesday – OREGANO – Mediterranean Red Rice – 081313
Funny to say – but true! If you can boil rice you can make this flavorful, colorful and delicious side dish, inspired by bright cuisines of the Mediterranean. Tomatoes and peppers are an important part of warm weather foods, and this recipe includes both. The garlic...
Spicy Tuesday – Cinnamon – African Spice Dip – 080613
There is nothing better than spices that blend together and make a wonderful seasoning mix. And Dukkah is no exception. This recipe will make a little more than a half cup of warm, aromatic and delicious spices that are a perfect compliment to fruit, chicken or...
Spicy Tuesday – MINT – Fresh Mint Fruit Salad
If you live in the South, chances are that when someone says mint – you think iced tea. Its ubiquitous down here, paired with tea so sweet that when you drink it, your teeth hurt from the sugar. We’re not talking tea here this week, but pairing fresh mint with fruit...
Spicy Tuesday – Basil – Better than Caprese Salad Skewers – 072313
Looking back over the last few months, we realized that basil has been a real superstar and frequently mentioned herb in our Spicy Tuesday blog. But, why not? The basil in home gardens is reaching its peak right now, and the aroma can capture the kitchen – whether or...
Spicy Tuesday – Patatas Bravos – Angry Potatoes with Smoked Spanish Paprika – 071513
Spicy, Aromatic and a wonderful appetizer or side dish, Spanish Angry Potatoes are easy to make and wonderful to share. The traditional preparation of this dish uses only white potatoes and those potatoes are fried. We’ve lightened up the dish and made it better for...
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Nancy Waldeck
Email: nwaldeck@tasteandsavor.com
Shayna Komar R.D.L.D
Email: shaynakomar.nutrition@gmail.com