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Spicy Tuesday

Spicy Tuesday – apple walnut salad – mint

Spicy Tuesday – apple walnut salad – mint

There have been lots of good sales on apples recently. Stores are trying to clear out the fall 2016 apples in anticipation for 2017 harvest. So you’ll see lots of good buys on your favorite apples. This apple recipe calls for fresh apples, dried fruit and is served up...

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Spicy Tuesday – Cumin Bread – Cumin

Spicy Tuesday – Cumin Bread – Cumin

When talking about Cumin in our cooking classes, we always say, “it's the original smoky-smelling spice.” If you open a bottle and take a big whiff, the semll will transport you to another country. Why? You can be cooking almost any cuisine and see cumin in the list...

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Spicy Tuesday – Warm Scallop Salad – Thyme

It's the Holiday season! But that doesn’t mean that salads are out of the picture. A great way to bridge the gap between rich heavy fare that is so prevalent this time of year is to prepare a salad like the one we are sharing below. Shake up a weeknight or even a...

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Spicy Tuesday – Brown or Red Rice Salad – Thyme

This yummy recipe appeared first in a summer 2014 post. But we’ve had lots of rice in the healthy kitchen lately, so we’re moving it over to celebrate fall! Do the variety of different rice types and blends entice you with their beautiful colors and descriptions? They...

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