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Spicy Tuesday

Spicy Tuesday –  Spicy Carrot Hummus – Coriander

Spicy Tuesday – Spicy Carrot Hummus – Coriander

Now that it's the tailgating season, its time to revisit dips and spreads. Who would have guessed that a bean dip ubiquitous in the Middle East would become an American go-to snack? We’re big fans of all kinds of hummus, especially ones with more complex flavors like...

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Spicy Tuesday – Fresh Mint Fruit Salad – Mint

Spicy Tuesday – Fresh Mint Fruit Salad – Mint

Before the end of Summer, we can't resist passing on one more peach recipe.... If you live in the South, chances are that when someone says mint – you think iced tea. Its ubiquitous down here, paired with tea so sweet that when you drink it, your teeth hurt from the...

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Spicy Tuesday – Chickpea Sliders – Cilantro

Spicy Tuesday – Chickpea Sliders – Cilantro

It’s definitely that “Burger” time of the year. We are all looking forward to quick, fast and delicious meals that can ease the transition from the end of summer to back to school. Vacations are winding down, kids are choosing backpacks and deciding just how they are...

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