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Cherries, Cherries and More Cherries!

Cherries, Cherries and More Cherries!

Don’t you love my cherry pitter – its one of my kitchen “power tools”! It makes pitting cherries SO quick and easy. So, I guess you can tell that I adore cherries. During the season, I eat them any way I can – but most often right out of hand. Wash the bag, dump in a...

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Lentil Trail Mix?

Lentil Trail Mix?

I love lentils - don't you? Imagine my surprise when I discovered that lentils can be roasted and included in a yummy trail mix. Browsing through the Food Hall at IACP, I stopped at the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council's booth. (How's that for a catchy name:) They...

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