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Happy St Pats! Tapping into a Different Cuisine for Potatoes – Smoky Potato and Artichoke Salad
When I was growing up, my Grandmother called small, new, red potatoes, “Irish Potatoes”. I learned about the great potato famine in Ireland in elementary school. I loved Irish stew, a meaty bowl filled with carrots and potatoes. Like me, I bet you think of...

Sensational Safari Salad!
I didn't grow up thinking that Africa was a place I wanted to visit. There were so many other romantic spots, Paris, Rome, Venice, Provence, Madrid... After visiting Africa from North to South, East to West, I have to say its my favorite place to travel. From...

Looking for Spring Soup
Wow! Its been a long cold hard winter here in Atlanta. And yes. I know that many of you have had a much rougher time of it - the polar vortex and all it has brought to the north and midwest. But here in the south, we are usually already looking for signs of spring....

Creamy and Rich Sweet Potato and Roasted Almond Soup
I love sweet potatoes. The great news about them? Unlike most things I love, sweet potatoes are actually GOOD for us. They are one of the best sources of beta-cartotene and are a great source of vitamin A, the vitamin that promotes good eyesight! Plus, in order for us...

Ummmm! Warm, Sticky and Sweet Roasted Plantains
You may have seen these gnarly-looking-black-kind-of-bananas in the produce section of your grocery store and thought, "Ick". You were wrong. Wait til you taste the rich, gooey sweetness of a roasted plantain. They are SO good and SO easy to make. Plantains soon will...

Toast is HOT! Sautéed Pears on Warm Goat Cheese TOAST
Who knew? Toast is the next Kale, or at least it is to some of the food-trend-prognosticators that I follow. So imagine my surprise, when presented a menu last week, with an appetizer appropriately named, “Three Toasts”. (Don’t ever tell me Atlanta’s food scene isn’t...

Spicy Tuesday – Asian Almond Quinoa Salad – Cilantro
Different and fun flavors to shake up your salad. Plus lots of yummy fresh green cilantro! It's here on Spicy Tuesday - Asian Almond Quinoa Salad - 012814 at http://www.livingandeatingwell.com

Black Bean Chocolate Dip for the Super Bowl
Here's my dirty little secret...I don't like football. Well, maybe's it not that I don't like it, I just don't know much of anything about this national obsession. Sigh. On no! It's not that I haven't had many chances to learn. As a child of a Daddy who loved Alabama...

Spicy Tuesday – Apple Carrot Fennel Soup – Mint
A soup made with apples? Oh yeah! At this week's Spicy Tuesday Blog Post, here: Living and Eating Well: Apple Carrot Fennel Soup

Inspired by Provence – Roasted Veggie Soup for Dinner Tonight
A fellow chef recently wrote an article all about why she didn't like the word, "veggies". She felt strongly that by referring to vegetables as "veggies" that we were demeaning the most wonderful category of food. The author, Deborah Madison is a culinary rock star....

Cauliflower Tabbouleh
Ahhhh, Pinterest. The source of many great ideas and lots of yummy food. Or at least Lea, my Sous Chef thinks so... You may be more like me, dipping into the pictures and quickly scanning the feed for a little eye candy once in a while. But Lea,...

It HAS to be Soup! Fragrant Spiced Chickpea Curry
Thank GOODNESS the sun is shining because the temp on my phone is still 27F. Yikes, who ordered this weather. Last week I was in St Pete, Florida. Sunshine most days, even on the cloudy ones it never dropped below 60F. Heaven. Today I am cranking out work at my...

Super Easy Last Minute Holiday Cookie – Better for You and Gluten Free!
I am not a baker. Although you may see tantalizing cakes and cookies in my cookbook, on my website, in my blogs, posts and tweets, I am not a baker. What I am is a better-for-you translator and an tireless experimenter with those delicious pieces of sweet heaven...

How to Make a Creamy Soup, Without Cream!
Yes, there is creamy soup without cream. It tastes better than the tongue-coating-viscous creations made by my French colleagues. (Heresy!! But true.) Plus, it allows you to leave the table without feeling like a food coma is immeninent. Why do we put ourselves...

Bright and Refreshing Orange Cranberry Relish
One of the culinary world's most perplexing issues? Why we don't use cranberries year round. Tart and tangy, gorgeous little bright-red-orbs-of-flavor. To justify my "lets eat cranberries year round" opinion, I've resolved to use them frozen next summer. I'll...

Very Veg Gratin – Meatless Luscious Fun!
Very Veg Gratin Served with Brown Rice This recipe was rebellion! I was invited to a "girlie party" a couple of weeks ago, Loads of fun, a creative hostess and an interesting group of women, "Foxes in Socks". Why was I using my recipe to be rebellious? See...I knew...

Creamy Cauliflower, Fennel and Rosemary Puree
I've always been more than a little suspicious of the "Low-Carb" recipes that imitate mashed potatoes. Mostly, I've found them lacking in flavor and mouthfeel, watery and just not good. Lets face it, mashed potatoes are good. So, I say - go for the mashers when you...

Creamy Shallot and Manchego Soufflés
Soufflés Out of the Oven and Ready to Serve! Let's just admit it. We all like to have our own teeny tiny personal servings of food. I'm not sure where this comes from - whether its that we don't like to share:) OR we like to play with our food. What ever the reason,...

Sweet Potatoes with North African Spices
Who doesn't have fond memories of the Thanksgiving table, laden with goodies including the ubiquitous sweet potato casserole. A home run with the kiddos, sometimes most of their plate is taken up with the creamy, sticky, way-way-way too sweet side dish. Chefs have...

Fall and Mushrooms – Wild Mushroom Pate
I’m in a mushroom "kinda" mood this week. The weather is turning to the best of fall…warm days with lots and lots of bright sunlight glittering off the brightly colored leaves. I’m craving the kind of comfort food that is warm and creamy – but not heavy. This mushroom...