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Whew! It still feels like winter in Atlanta. We’re ready for spring – but until it arrives, we’re taking every opportunity to check out the farmers markets and see what is new. This past weekend – radishes appeared in lots of stalls. March – May is the typical “radish season”, pretty soon every farmers market will boast bunches of beautiful radishes, whether traditional red or “Easter egg” radishes with the beautiful colors of red, yellow, gold and pink. We love radishes, added to a salad, topping a taco or even roasted. Yes, roasted! Radishes turn from spicy to sweet in the oven, and it takes just a minute to toast up some whole wheat bread and top it with sweet radishes and the bright green taste of parsley.

Parsley adds color, flavor and nutrition to the roasted radish toasts. Parsley helps support healthy kidney function and can lower blood pressure. It is rich in many Vitamins, including C, B12, K, and A. And bring on the radishes! They are a good detoxifier for the whole body and support your liver and stomach. Radishes are rich in vitamin-C, folic and anthocyanins, and have been connected to treating many types of cancer, particularly colon, kidney, intestinal, stomach and oral cancer.

Roasted Radish Toasts

  • 4 Pieces Rustic Whole Wheat Bread
  • 1 TB and 1 Tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided
  • Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper to taste
  • 1 Bunch Radishes, halved or quartered
  • 2 TB Chopped Fresh Parsley

Step One

Spray or brush the toast with 1 Tsp of oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Broil, or place over a gas flame until very browned.

Step Two

Toss the radishes with the remaining 1 TB of oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place on a sheet tray and slide into a 425F oven for 15 – 20 minutes or until browned on the edges. Remove from the oven and top the bread with the radishes, sprinkle with the parsley and serve.